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2 min read
Is it REALLY my responsibility?
Sometimes, we try so hard to be the "good" person that we take on responsibility that doesn't belong to us. Could we let that go?

1 min read
Let's play "What if..."!
Instead of adding pressure to yourself to meditate a certain way or for a specific length of time, what if you were just a kid again?

2 min read
The Sky's the Limit
Many, maybe most, people have been raised with the idea that we are who we are. The idea is that everything we are is fixed or limited....

2 min read
The Power of Connections
We constantly hear about the need for community, belonging, and support. Do we really give enough attention to the quality of those...

2 min read
The Truth About Productivity
We often hear that we should be productive and use our time wisely. ⌚ How can we maintain balance?

2 min read
The Impact of Our State
In the last few years, many have felt in a state of alarm more often than they did previously. However, for many others this is just...

2 min read
Start here to make big changes
Sometimes we try to fix or change how feel by changing something outside of ourselves. We move, change jobs, repaint, cut our hair,...

3 min read
Cultivate Bravery
Several years ago, a woman who has since become one of my closest friends told me she thought I was brave for facing my depression and...

2 min read
Are you letting fear win?
We all are afraid of, or very uncomfortable with, something. I have many, many things. Some of them are irrational and make me sound...

4 min read
Top 5 ways to start loving yourself the way you deserve to be loved
Loving ourselves is so critical to life. Yet, it is often either overdone or vilified. With all things, there's a balance. We're all very...

3 min read
One small moment can turn your life around
One small moment in my life lead me to this point where I can honestly say that I am ecstatic about the progress I've made, content with...
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